What do Jordan Peterson, Christina Hoff Sommers, Yaron Brook, and Sargon of Akkad all have in common that make them targets for social justice warriors? It can be explained in one word: Truth.

We live in a polarized world right now. While some still hold onto and cherish rational and logical thinking, it is being left behind by many, in the pursuit of social justice. This pursuit of social justice has in the past two years become more vigorous. Were seeing this time and time again, with the defiant behaviour shown towards public speakers, whom, to most of the population, would not be considered “Radical,” are now being classified as promoting hate speech and being fascists, and are being silenced and even attacked. Earlier this week these events took place at several colleges across the West.

Starting close to my home, in Canada, on March 5th, Jordan B. Peterson (Tenured professor of psychology at the University of Toronto) was scheduled to give a talk at Queens University. The days leading up to the talk, multiple groups were formed to ensure that Petersons arrival would be met sufficiently. Multiple videos show students, and what looked to be adult protesters, rallied around the hall that the talk took place in. Screaming “Shame on you!” and “No freedom for hate speech!” repeatedly, banging on the doors and windows, as well as even resorting to a blow horn were some of the tactics from these ideologically possessed protesters. I say ideologically possessed because a truly rational person would not classify Peterson as “Alt-right,” “Racist,” or a “Transphobe”. Looking at any of his work would prove the opposite. Just to give an example to those of you who are new to Peterson, he lectures on several topics, ranging from the psychological significance of the biblical stories, architecture of belief, as well personality transformation. Clearly, he’s a transphobe.

Next, we head South of the Canadian border. The same day as Petersons talk, Christina Hoff Sommers, a Philosopher known for critiquing feminism, was trying to give a speech at Lewis and Clark College where she was interrupted numerous times by student protesters. The protesters resorted to blocking entrances, singing chants that prevented people from hearing the speech, and demanded Hoff Sommers answer questions bombarded at her, whilst still giving her speech (normally Q&A’s take place after talks, but these protesters weren’t having it). It was made very clear as to why these protesters despise Hoff Sommers, shouting at her "Rape culture is not a myth!" "Microaggressions are real!" "The gender wage gap is real!" "Black lives matter!".

The final case took place across the Ocean at Kings College in London. Again, on the same day as Petersons, and Hoff Sommers talks, another scene of chaos (this time more hostile) ensued shortly after Yaron Brook, and Carl Benjamin (Sargon of Akkad) began their discussion. About 13 minutes in, the fire alarm was pulled and a group of self pro-claimed “Anti-fascists” began chanting “No fascists on campus!” whilst a group of black hooded protesters stormed the stage aggressively, purposefully bumping, and shoving people. One Antifa member tried to take Benjamin’s’ microphone, and run off, but was grabbed by a student, and began punching one and other. The situation was calmed eventually, with all the self-alleged Antifa members being thrown out. The symbolic sign of victory however, was Brook, and Benjamin holding the Antifa flag in a triumph victory.

What’s interesting about all these events is this under lying correlation. What do Jordan Peterson, Christina Hoff Sommers, Yaron Brook, and Sargon of Akkad all have in common that make them targets for social justice warriors? These people take pride on speaking the truth. Take Petersons rule number eight for life “Tell the truth. Or at least don’t lie”. The truth being provoked by the speech of Brook, Peterson, Hoff Sommers, and Benjamin is contrary to the ideology of social justice warriors. When Peterson provides you a theory that a multi-variable analysis is necessary when looking into why women on average earn less than men, that is the anti-thesis of SJW’s way of looking at the gender pay gap, which is that women earn on average 79 cents to the mans dollar by being a woman in an oppressive patriarchal society.

What do Jordan Peterson, Christina Hoff Sommers, Yaron Brook, and Sargon of Akkad all have in common that make them targets for social justice warriors? It can be explained in one word: Truth.


  1. I LOVE this, too many people only ever listen to one side, even if you do not believe what the other "side" of the conversation is speaking about you should educate yourself on why they believe the opposite and there should be no hostility held towards them because they believe something different. Keep up the good work this was a really good read!


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