The Cult of Postmodern Social Justice
College campuses, among other areas of discourse, have more recently become hotspots for social justice. With each year that sweeps by, more and more colleges are implementing regressive policies that are mascaraed in the name of diversity, and inclusivity. Policies such as affirmative action, and ‘safe spaces’ have been applauded, and even demanded in the case of safe spaces; those who don’t agree with opposing viewpoints feel as though it is the institutions responsibility to shelter them from such discomfort. This new coddling environment has plagued college campuses and has giving birth to a new generation of ideologically driven folks, pursuing an Utopian world, riddled from inequalities. These ideologically driven individuals seek out the victimized, and the disadvantaged, and make it their focus to empower them, at any cost. Programs such as affirmative action are then justified (in the eyes of social justice), because the person benefiting from the program was...